


about me

welcome to my unfinished about page

howdy!! my name is christine, i'm 21, i live in iowa, and this is my website. it is not even close to done and i hope to one day make it the most perfect combination of all of my favorite aesthetics and things on the internet

i started working on my neocities in january of 2024 with no coding experience outside of editing HTML on tumblr themes. i have learned a whole lot since then and hope to keep improving more, along with learning more difficult (or so they seem) things like javascript

in the time i don't spend working on this i like to sculpt, draw, and bake. i mostly make characters i like out of air dry clay and i have been trying my best to get into making vector art. i was considered very artistic as a child but slowly fell out of the routine of creating anything because Being A Teenager Fucking Sucks. i have spent the last few years fighting my own mental blocks to get back to where i used to be, and more

i have POTS along with other potential undiagnosed health issues and as a result i tend to be too exhausted to get anything done. learning to code has given me something i can do without using up too much energy to even think properly while still feeling at least somewhat productive.

my interests include sanrio, spongebob, kirby, animal crossing, minecraft, retro games, lps, apple operating systems, frutiger aero, south park, smiling friends, lost media, and more. i am pretty much obsessed with everything i enjoy and i like to know everything there is to know about them. i'm also a huge collector of anything that relates to my interests and i have a room full of dolls (rainbow high, vintage barbie, lol omg) and vintage my little ponies and 10 million trinkets

my current biggest interest is spongebob. i've loved the show all my life but got waaay back into it last summer. some of the spongebob-related topics i am most interested in are incidental characters, production music, cut/deleted scenes, and variations in international versions of the show

i'm tired again. i'll finish writing this later. i was originally going to have this page share the same layout as my homepage but i thought a mac os 9 theme would be more unique. i know i have seen this specific layout of the "windows" on someone else's website so sorry if i stole that from you